or does it ? ... 

I was thinking a lot lately about how the image of being single is literally ALWAYS negative especially as of late .

I'm not out here as the president of the Single's club.I would LOVE to be in a relationship so yea I actively date .  I would love companionship , growth , and sex with ONE person . I'm not a casual kind of girl . I catch feelings , and become a wife overnight lmao sooooo I try to keep myself out of those situations that I know won't lead me anywhere good. Although I'm single and alone I am not lonely. People need to work on themselves until they understand the difference fully . They absolutely do not have to go hand in hand.

Negative is the new ?

Just a quick thought (or maybe not) ... 

Why do we enjoy being negative these days ? It's basically cool to be petty, mean , a bitch , "bad and bougie" , bitter or any other thing that has a negative feel to it .. why ? Why is that a thing now ? 

Idk about yall but I enjoy being pretty HAPPY . I enjoy smiling lol. Why is having resting bitch face the popular thing? Majority of the pics I see now are girls wanting to look soooo sexy that they NEVER smile so when they do , they have to actually caption some corny mess about how smiling is "rare" for them and then people go in the comments , say something equally as corny then congratulating her for FINALLY smiling twice that year. Sit down sis.

No, I don't smile in ALL my pics but you can't miss this big ass smile I have in the others .. That's for sure.

I'm going to make a campaign about bringing GENUINE smiles back. 

I'm happy I was left off of bad and bougie ... shrugs

Love is not..

Unfortunately I know this all too well ... Here's the thing about love , it doesn't leave you blind . You can see exactly what is coming your way usually . Often times we look pass it , so if we're looking pass it we see it, correct? we just choose not to. 

This one may be long as hell and even all over the place. Had to get this off my chest though.

Grow or Die.

I always was one to question things. If things don't add up to me I have to speak up and try to gain some understanding . One thing in life that I honestly and truly do NOT understand is complacency or just overall being stagnant.

White Supremacist are Exhausting..

Let me start by saying .. if I happen to have any White Supremacist reading this , hit me up .

Tears of Strength

I'm going to have to disagree with this. I understand that black women from the beginning of time are always looked at as strong, holding the family down from times dating further back than slavery. I get it, I respect it BUTTTTT...

I know that as a black woman I'm supposed to just naturally handle things differently than other women . I'm supposed to be able to take on more for much less. I'm supposed to never show fear, sadness, or "weakness" as a black woman. I'm just supposed to take whatever the world gives me and just deal with it because I have "shit to do". The black woman has ALWAYS been looked down on (then copied), degraded, and was damn near born with a to-do list, but I can't cry? I guess that makes sense and I'm proud to have that "tougher than nails" mentality just naturally embedded in my DNA *rolls eyes*


(crying can be literally or figuratively .. just RELEASE is my point)

I think because of the image the world has placed on crying (and black people overall), people tend to think that black women aren't supposed to let it out. 

My question is .. what am I holding on to it, whatever IT is, for?

Better yet, we aren't supposed to have ANY emotion and the ones we are "allowed" to have usually have a negative image associated with them. For instance, if a black woman doesn't like the bullshit placed on them at the moment, decides to speak up about it, she's coined as loud, arrogant, and boisterous forever. If a black woman happens to be upset for a moment even if she is usually in good spirits, suddenly she's the angry black woman. If a black woman is genuinely happy , she must be high, or drunk because there is absolutely NO possible way a black woman can be happy JUST BECAUSE. What is she happy about right? If a black woman cries because, well that's what most humans do , she's seen as weak. **rolls eyes even harder**

In my humble opinion, I think that the black community has to find a way to break away from the stereotype of what's considered "strong" and take their mental health a little more seriously. It takes more than just moving past things and getting to the shit we have to do. Yes, I have shit to do as well ,but life is rough so sometimes a good ol ugly cry is exactly what is needed to PROPERLY move forward in life. 

As a community, we have to find a way to let people know that it is very much so okay to be emotional . It is very much so okay to feel. We think having actual feelings and accepting those feelings is a bad thing. Accept however you feel, release those feelings, dust yourself off and grow from whatever it is so you can do better. We love to shut down as well as run away from what's really going on with ourselves because we feel like we always have a task at hand. Make your next task YOU. It is okay to get help and take care of your mental before you do anything else. You can NOT pour from an empty glass.

It is okay to take care of yourself and THEN get to the shit you have to do . 

You got this. 

nice to meet me

Probably would be a good thing to have a face behind the blog right ?

Collipark , Bubba Sparxxx

Mkay so I was thinking about interracial dating and how SOME black men think .