Grow or Die.

I always was one to question things. If things don't add up to me I have to speak up and try to gain some understanding . One thing in life that I honestly and truly do NOT understand is complacency or just overall being stagnant.

Every day we walk through our lives and the vast majority of people we encounter are just content with being blah. For lack of better words I'll use mediocre. When I say mediocre I mean just being smug about not having all they can , or not wanting more.. better yet , I think mediocre is when you're okay with not growing . To me , if something isn't growing in some way ; it's dead. 

Non-debatable sorry. 

Trust me , my life is completely average (for now) but I think what makes me different from some is that I actually have drive and want to do better. I enjoy learning and growing . At one point I wanted to die , literally as well as figuratively , I think one thing that kept me going is the drive that I have . Granted , it took me years to get out of depression but if I didn't have a voice in my head telling me to, " keep pushing , keep learning , keep growing", I am completely positive I would not be alive to even type this blog right now. Yep , definitely would have found a way to off myself

Back to my point lol ... I just see people every day whether at work, or even in my family that are okay struggling ,or okay with not living a dream because they are comfortable or scared . How do we get to that point in life? I'm sure we all know at least one person who just completely let themselves go and they think because they have a steady job (that they most likely hate ) , a roof over their head (that they're struggling to pay for) , a car ,and can afford to feed themselves they're okay. To me that person is dead.. 

Yes, having a roof , a job , a car and food is amazing . A blessing some will say , but there's more to life than that routine. We have ONE life . Literally , that's it . Why not do something for at least an hour a day to help you grow . Whether it's read a book about something you don't know about . Watch the news and learn about something you normally wouldn't care about , or just plain and simple tap into yourself and figure out what it would take for you to blossom . You don't want to get old (or young)on a death bed feeling like damn , maybe I should've .. Too damn late for that.

Again , non-debatable.

There's also the person who tends to complain about being stuck but won't do anything to get themselves out of whatever situation they're in. The voice is there telling you to do better , but you're purposely drowning it out. I was once there. 

{Although my drive was at 1 percent , I'm thankful that I had at least that . I had some lead way to grow. Once it's at zero that's when it's much harder to come back from.It's still possible , just have to work o.d . Have you personally every seen something come back from the dead? NAH. Biblically a well known person did it so it might just be possible. MY POINT IS , 
Your life depends on it.}

 All I knew how to do was look around me and complain about what I didn't have . I too was comfortable with having less than , until I slowly but surely started gaining knowledge of self and realized that ANY THING I want in this world is up to ME to get . I can hate , be jealous or blame people all day for how MY life is (was) but the truth of the matter is , I was just comfortable with having less. I was comfortable with that horrific routine , but was too scared to do more to change it .

Idk what it will take but I WILL teach people their self worth . Especially the people I'm closest to . I truly believe it is my mission on this earth . I believe I went through all I did mentally to help others... Watch me work.

Purchase the book in the picture if you're not really feeling like yourself ,or if youre comfortable of scared of growing . This book will soon get a short little essay in a separate post because I believe this book was a big factor in getting my mind in a better state.I'll even purchase a few for people.. just hit me up and we can work something out ... THEY DEAD ASS SHOULD SPONSOR ME, I think I already bought it 10 times or more ... HEYYYY JEN SINCERO LOL

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