
Oblivious people make me itch. I wish I was kidding. Jk , I am . But they really do make my head hurt .

Its so annoying to listen to people who have zero common sense , or people who have no clue about actual topics to talk about. At some point you have to say , "you know what ? let me google some random important information so I don't sound like a complete moron all the time . Now I'm not saying I'm the smartest person out there but to avoid sounding like an air head majority of the time , I like to read , research current events , research things in general so when I speak I know what the hell I'm talking about and can make an opinion based on what I've learned. Talking out my ass is never a goal but I realize that some people actually enjoy doing this . STOP. My head is literally hurting from listening to people at work so that means I need to leave ASAFP .

The picture of flowers was to lighten up the mood after this aggravating blog .. sorry guys !

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