I'm Thankful..

So today is Thanksgiving and of course the , "what are you thankful for?" question is in full effect. 

Last year I was thankful because I was a few months in of being stress free. That's major for me . Last year was also the first holiday I went back by my family's house after about a year or so because of a big argument . I know that doesn't seem like a huge amount of time but when you live only 8 minutes away and STILL don't want to be around them its pretty important when you do finally go back. 

Sidebar .. I think that argument was necessary . I didn't change anyone's views about how they are as a family but it's extremely relieving to just say what the hell you need to say to make YOU feel better. I always speak up but at times I can be a little more chill than others. That day I was not and I'm o.d proud of myself lol

Anyhow .. I'm thankful that I am happy. Yes , of course I'm grateful to be alive , my son , a job , decent health , a home , clothes , food and etc but I am the most thankful for my happiness. It took a very long , exhausting process to be where I am mentally . To walk around knowing that you are your complete self and knowing you can only get better is liberating . I've always been this person more or less. I just know how to embrace it fully now and that's where the happiness is coming from. I know my purpose , live in my purpose and finding more ways to do so daily .

I'm happy for the NOW . The good , the bad . Where I am currently and all the places I know I'm going. I wanted to be dead only a couple years ago so being happy AND stress free means everything to me .

I couldn't end this post without saying I'm thankful for the people in my life. I don't have many people I can call on or feel comfortable being myself around (I'm going to be myself regardless just wont be as comfy lol) , but the couple of people that I do have really do ride for me . They hype me up , and root for me even when I'm not rooting for myself . They tell me what I need to hear even if it's not what I want to hear and I appreciate that . I'm thankful that I am able to communicate with these people freely and if someone feels a way ,we figure it out in due time instead of just putting our prides or egos in the front of things . I'm just grateful for people who are on this journey with me right now . period .. 

I'm also thankful for the people who have shown up as lights or lessons . To the lessons , I learned to "never do that again" (thats what I say if I see yall or a pics lmao ). To the lights , you're very appreciated . I dont talk to yall every day or even often but the kind words you guys send have been life changing and help me remain a light to others like the people that are lights to me.

anyways ... enjoy your days and find some things to be thankful for.

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